LNVH Symposium

LNVH Spring Symposium 2024 - Recap

On Friday, June 14th, the LNVH Spring Symposium took place at the Colour Kitchen in Utrecht. LNVH looks back on a successful event during which inspiring speakers, panel members and participants came together to discuss 'The Inclusive University'. 

After a lunch in the foyer, moderator Pravini Baboeram, program manager at ECHO, Expertise Center for Diversity Policy and Sarah Giest, professor of Public Policy with a focus on Innovation and Sustainability at Leiden University and LNVH board member, welcomed all guests in the theater hall. After this word of welcome, Professor Nicola Rollock, Professor of Social Policy & Race at King’s College London and Distinguished Fellow, Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge, gave her keynote lecture 'The enduring relevance of race in higher education'.

After her keynote, Professor Rollock was joined by Rashmi Kusurkar, Professor of Inclusion and Motivation in Health Professions Education at VU Amsterdam and Noura El Ouajdi, Chair of the Board at InclusieNL and a Senior Digital Transformation Leader at TNO, for a panel discussion. They discussed how organizations can ensure that they move towards sustainable and structural action and what we as individuals can do to make universities more inclusive. 

The panel discussion was followed by a festive presentation of the LNVH Distinguished Women Scientists Fund and the LNVH Advancing Women in Biology Fund during the break. After the break, the second part of the program took place in the theater hall, starting with a spoken work performance by Soula Notos. She talked about inclusion and exclusion, about positive and negative discrimination and how we could and should all do better. 

Guided by moderator Sophie van Hoytema, all participants took part in an interactive 'Walk the Talk session' in which four statements were discussed. Participants indicated whether they strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed, or strongly disagreed with the statements by physically choosing a position in the room. The statements were introduced by prof. Rollock, Pravini Baboeram, Mala Paltoe, secretary of The Advisory Committee Diverse and Inclusive Higher Education and Research (also known as the ‘DIHOO’ committee) and Zakia Essanhaji, postdoc at the Department of Sociology at VU Amsterdam. Zakia's research currently focuses on inequality in the academic trajectories of Dutch academics of colour.

We concluded the day in small groups with a so-called 'tablecloth session'. In small groups, participants discussed the questions ‘What should be the next step in bringing change?’ and ‘What should be the first thing I am going to do about this next?’ They wrote their answers on table clothes and added tips on what actions LNVH should undertake. 

During the afternoon two artist of Het Wandverslag helped us summarize the event in a beautiful drawing, a 'visual report'. You can see the result here. LNVH reflects on a motivating and energizing Spring Symposium and looks forward to upcoming events. 




We thank our keynote speaker, panel members, performer, statement introducers and moderators (in order of appearance during the symposium):

Pravini Baboeram works as a program manager at ECHO, Expertise Center for Diversity Policy. In this role she facilitates in the process of "getting comfortable with the uncomfortable”. Reflecting on mechanisms that lead to exclusion in education and the labor market Pravini invites participants to engage in conversations on systemic inequality. In this process she supports participants in translating these insights into practical tools and solutions to strengthen diversity and inclusion in organizations.

Prof. Nicola Rollock is Professor of Social Policy and Race at King’s College London and founder and Director of NIANRO Consulting which specialises in advising senior executives and organisations and in carrying out research around racial justice. She is a member of the London Policing Board, chaired by the Mayor of London, which was established following a recommendation in Baroness Louise Casey's review of culture and standards in the Metropolitan Police and of the Race Equality Advisory Group for the international social research organisation Social Finance.

Prof. Rollock is widely known for her research which examines, for the first time in the UK, the career experiences of Black female Professors and the exhibition that led on from this, Phenomenal Women which was displayed at London's Southbank Centre. She was previously a member of the Diversity & Inclusion Steering Groups for the Wellcome Trust and the British Science Association, Specialist Adviser to the cross-party Home Affairs’ Select Committee’s ‘The Macpherson Report: 22 Years On’ Inquiry and Senior Adviser on race and higher education to the University of Cambridge.

As well as writing academically, her work has appeared in The Guardian, The Financial Times, British Vogue andThe Evening Standard.  Prof. Rollock was selected as one of 50 HSBC-sponsored trailblazers for championing gender equity; identified by apolitico as one of the 100 most influential academics in politics and, by Times Higher Education as one of eleven scholars globally to have influenced the debate in higher education. She also featured in the Duke & Duchess of Sussexes list of trailblazers for challenging prejudice and contributions to British society. Her new book The Racial Code: tales of resistance and survival (Penguin Press) was longlisted for the 2023 Bread & Roses Award for radical political writing.

Noura El Ouajdi is the Chair of the Board at InclusieNL and a Senior Digital Transformation Leader at TNO. At TNO, she works at the intersection of technological transformations, people, and organizations, focusing on challenges in the labor market and energy transition. Together with her team, she develops innovative solutions such as generative AI for the inclusive workforce of the future and establishes temporary project organizations where research and the market collaborate to address market bottlenecks. As the Chair of the Board at InclusieNL, she leads the organization behind the NIM scan, which focuses on policy evaluation and measuring the effectiveness of inclusion policies within organizations. Her work emphasizes combining technological advancements with people-oriented strategies for sustainable solutions.

Rashmi Kusurkar is a medical doctor from India with specialization in Physiology. After working in Physiology education and conducting faculty trainings in education for several years, Rashmi moved to the Netherlands and pursued her PhD in medical education at University Medical Center Utrecht. She set up her own research programme called, ‘ Developing students for life’  in Amsterdam UMC and currently supervises 10 PhD students, 2 Assistant Professors, and 3 postdocs. Nine students have graduated from her research programme. In December 2023 Rashmi was appointed as Professor (Chair: Inclusion and motivation in Health Professions Education). Her research group conducts research on how each individual (students and faculty) in health professions education can flourish and how can we create an inclusive learning /work environment that leads to flourishing. At the international level Rashmi is passionate about knowledge and science created in the Global South getting its due recognition in international journal publications.

Rashmi is chairwoman of Netherlands Association for Medical Education (NVMO) and a member of the Governing Committee, as well as the Fellowship Committee, of the AMEE - The International Association of Health Professions Education and member of the Advisory Board of KWF. She is also Project lead of ‘JEDI Now!, a knowledge co-creation platform to achieve justice, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) in among individuals in higher education with a migrant background in the Netherlands’, funded by the NWO programme ‘Advancing Equity in Academia through Innovation’.

Soula Notos is a versatile performer (theater, spoken word, stand-up comedy, storytelling) based in Utrecht. She studied psychology and genderstudies (University of Utrecht) and theater making (Theaterkade, Amsterdam). Her productions include Doctor, what do cowgirls dream about?, Heimwee, Who are you when no one is looking? and Gurbet – or how I became rich. As a spoken word artist she has performed at Read my World, Oerol, Perdu, Babs' Woordsalon, Mensen Zeg Dingen, Writers Resist. She is a member of the collective het Comedyhuis in Utrecht. And she organizes and hosts the bimonthly Soula's Storytelling Nights in Theater Kikker. Empathy, energy, humor and layered stories characterize her style as a maker and performer. Her work focuses on themes such as power relations, connection, equality, freedom, lightness. More info: www.soula.nl

Sophie van Hoytema studied Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis, and Management at TU Delft. She is incredibly versatile, working as a presenter, singer, and comedian. She creates and performs custom songs and cabaret acts, and she also has her own theater productions. Together with the live communication agency Ahaaa!, she designs and moderates workshops focused on genuine exchange.

Mala Paltoe is secretary of The Advisory Committee Diverse and Inclusive Higher Education and Research. The committee provides advice on promoting an inclusive, diverse and safe learning and working environment within the field of higher education and in scientific research. She is also self-employed and works on equity and inclusion as an advisor, supervisory board member and dialogue facilitator. She often says I stood there and did something about it. She is doing that step by step. Furthermore she has a deep love for nature and everything that grows and blooms.

Zakia Essanhaji is a postdoc at the Department of Sociology at VU Amsterdam. Her research currently focuses on inequality in the academic trajectories of Dutch academics of colour. She has published on racial and gender inequality in diversity research, the non-performativity of diversity policies and complaint procedures in Dutch academia.



Register Here


Each year, LNVH welcomes PhDs, postdocs, assistant/associate and full professors from Dutch universities and university medical centres, as well as policy makers and policy advisors at the LNVH Spring Symposium. This year our Spring Symposium will take place on Friday, June 14th 2024 between 12:00 and 18:00 CEST at The Colour Kitchen in Utrecht. This year's theme is 'The Inclusive University: Walking the Talk'.


This year's theme is 'The Inclusive University'. The percentages of women in the higher echelons and academic management at universities are increasing. However, a strong focus on the betterment of the position of women in academia and prevention of the outflow of women academics is still necessary, as indicated for example by the declining growth percentages of women professors in the Monitor 2023. How do we maintain this focus on the equal representation of women? How do we achieve the betterment of the position of all women in academia, regardless of their background? And how do we monitor which women actually progress to top positions in academia? How do we ensure that broader D&I policies complement policies focused on women and vice versa? How do we create an inclusive university where all talent thrives? We will discuss these – and many more - topics with our keynote speakers, our panelists, and hopefully also with you. Working language of the event will be English.

Keynote lecture

We are proud to welcome keynote speaker prof. Nicola Rollock. Nicola Rollock is Professor of Social Policy and Race at King’s College London and Distinguished Fellow at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. She is founder and Director of NIANRO Consulting which specialises in advising senior executives and organisations and carrying out research around racial justice. She was recently appointed to the London Policing Board, chaired by the Mayor of London, following a recommendation in Baroness Louise Casey's review of culture and standards in the Metropolitan Police. 

Nicola is widely known for her research which examines, for the first time in the UK, the career experiences of Black female Professors and the exhibition that led on from this, Phenomenal Women which was displayed at London's Southbank Centre. She was previously a member of the Wellcome Trust’s Diversity & Inclusion Steering Group, Specialist Adviser to the Home Affairs’ Select Committee’s ‘The Macpherson Report: 22 Years On’ Inquiry and Senior Adviser on race and higher education to the University of Cambridge. 

As well as writing academically, her work has appeared in The Guardian, The Financial Times, British Vogue and The Evening Standard. Nicola was selected by We Are the City as one of 50 HSBC-sponsored trailblazers for championing gender equity; identified by apolitico as one of the 100 most influential academics in politics and, by Times Higher Education as one of eleven scholars globally to have influenced the debate in higher education.

The title of her keynote lecture is Enduring relevance of race and racism in higher education



12:00u Walk-in lunch with conversation starters
12:45u Word of welcome by the moderator and opening by the LNVH Chair
13:00u Keynote lecture prof. Nicola Rollock, Professor of Social Policy and Race at King's College London: Enduring relevance of race and racism in higher education
13:30u Panel discussion with Noura El Ouajdi, Chair of the foundation Inclusie NL, prof. Rashmi Kusurkar, Professor of Inclusion and Motivation in Health Professions Education at VU Amsterdam, dr. Anya Topolski, Associate Professor in Ethics and Political Philosophy at Radboud University and dr. Tamara Soukotta, researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies at Radboud University and visiting researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam
14:30u Tea & Coffee break & award ceremony DWSFund laureates of 2023/2024
15:00u Intermezzo with storyteller Soula Notos
15:15u Plenary workshops in co-operation with Aaaaha! Agency for live communication: 'walk your talk-' and 'tablecloth session'
Closing statement with inspirational output of the day: the artists of 'het Wandverslag' turn the event into a visual report
17:15u Drinks


Register Here  



LNVH Spring Symposium 2023 - Recap

On Monday, June 19th, the LNVH Spring Symposium took place at the Nemo Science Museum in Amsterdam. The LNVH looks back on a successful event during which inspiring speakers and participants came together to discuss "the ideal academy."

After a lunch in the museum café, moderator Sicco de Knecht and LNVH interim-chair Moniek Tromp welcomed the guests in the auditorium. Here, Sarah Bracke, Peter-Paul Verbeek, Hieke Huistra and Katarina Putnik each presented their vision on the ideal academy, which they further explored and discussed during a panel discussion. Topics such as diversity, academic freedom and hierarchy played a significant role in their view of the ideal academy.

The panel discussion was followed by a festive presentation of the Distinguished Women Scientist Fund and the announcement of the new Advancing Women in Science Fund during the break. After the break, the second part of the program took place in the theater hall. Guided by debate expert Paulien Boone, three statements were discussed in a House of Commons debate format. Marie-José van Tol, chair of the Young Academy, introduced the first statement about the Young Academy's campaign "Everyone Professor". The second statement addressed uncertain positions in academia and was introduced by the chairs of PostDocNL, Padmini Khedoe and Vera Kemp. The concluding statement focused on social safety. After the proposition was introduced by Leonie Heres, the attendees were encouraged, following a 360-degree approach, to consider the subject from various perspectives.

The LNVH reflects on a motivating Spring Symposium and looks forward to upcoming events.

Find an overview of the program and short biographies of the speakers here.





LNVH Spring Symposium 2022 

On Monday the 13th of June 2022, the LNVH Spring Symposium 2022 took place. This year's theme was 'Academia in The Netherlands: the next level'. After two years of online events, we were happy we could get together in Paushuize in Utrecht offering a program full of interesting and inspiring speakers and guests: 

10.30-11.00u     Welcome with coffee and tea

11.00-11.15u     Word of welcome by moderator Marieke Eyskoot and opening by Hanneke Takkenberg, LNVH chair

11.15-12.30u     Recognition & Rewards, what’s in it for gender equality?

An introduction by Kim Huijpen, programme manager for the national programme on recognition and rewards of academics (Universities of the Netherlands | UNL), followed by an interactive discussion with Tanya Bondarouk, professor of Human Resource Management and Dean of the Faculty of Behavioural Management and Social Sciences at Twente University and LNVH board member, Sarah de Rijcke, professor in Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies & Scientific Director at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University and Malika Ouacha, former board member of the PhD Network Netherlands (Promovendi Netwerk Nederland, PNN).

12.30-13.00u     Lunch break & Intermezzo   

13.00-13.30u     Award ceremony of the DWSFund laureates of 2021/2022

13.30-15.00u     Workshops – ROUND 1

15.00-15.30u     Tea & Coffee break   

15.30-17.00u     Workshops – ROUND 2

17.00-17.15u     Musical closing of the symposium by Kiki Schippers  

17.15-17.30u     Closing statement by LNVH chair, Hanneke Takkenberg 

17.30-18.15u     Drinks

Parellel: between 13h and 15h: meeting of the LNVH UHD sounding board group.

Please find a full overview of the program here, including a description of the workshops. Register now, and make sure you have a spot in the workshop of your preference. Do not hesitate to forward this invitation to colleagues and others who may be interested in attending this symposium. Students, academic and support staff, policy makers and administrators. All are welcome!  

LNVH Spring Symposium 2021 (Webinar)

On June 11th 2021 our annual Spring Symposium took place. This year, we kicked off the celebrations of our 20th anniversary. Many of you joined us via Zoom for a symposium filled with a.o:

  • interesting international speakers
  • inspiring role model interviews
  • sessions on Horizon Europe's Gender Equality Plans as a catalyst for change
  • a session on the impact of COVID-19 on the careers of researchers
  • the #MeToo in Academia play by the Acteursgenootschap, with an introduction by the president of the KNAW-committee on the prevention of harassment in academia
  • a screening of the documentary 'Picture a Scientist'.
  • networking opportunities
  • the official announcement of the first of three LNVH medaillons that will be awarded to people or insitutions that made a signifiant contribution to achieving gender balance.

Missed the event and wish to rewatch? Please find below: 

  • All plenary sessions 
    - Presentation of the outcomes of the De Jonge Akademie & LNVH research on the impact of COVID-19 on researchers
    - The talk of prof. Emily Toth - Ms. Mentor's impeccable advice for women in academia
    - The talk of prof. Naomi Ellemes, chair of the KNAW committee on harassment 
    - The play #MeToo in Academia. The learning curve by Het Acteursgenootschap
  • The role model interview with prof. Rianne Letschert (UM), prof. Halleh Ghorashi (VU) and prof. Marian Joëls 
  • The role model interview with dr. Anne Koopmans, prof. Sera Markoff and prof. Pauline Meurs
  • The session on Horizon Europe's requirements for Gender Equality Plans, as a catalyst for change, with Marcela Linková 

We thank all participants and viewers for joining. We thank Brainy Bunch for the necessary technical support and Marieke Eyskoot, our talented host and moderator. 

Click here for the full program. 
Click here for an overview of the speakers and guests.  

LNVH Spring Symposium 2020 (Webinar)

“The Fearless Organization: The Importance of Psychological Safety and Effective Teams in the Changing Dutch Academic Landscape.”, with prof. dr. Amy Edmondson. 

On the 28th of May the first ever Dutch Network of Women Professors' webinar took place. We thank all (250+) attendees and hope you enjoyed it. We were honored to virtually meet with prof. dr. Amy C. Edmondson, expert in the field of leadership, teaming, and organizational learning. She is currently the Novartis Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School, a chair established to support the study of human interactions that lead to the creation of successful organizations that contribute to the betterment of society.

Amy inspired us with her talk about the importance of 'psychological safety' on the growth and development of an organization and how psychological safety contributes to creating an inclusive organization and her reflection on the current developments within Dutch academia, such as the recognition and rewards of academics. She also shared her views on the shift we are seeing towards ‘team science’ during an insightful Q&A with LNVH board member, Sandra Groeneveld. Please find Amy's presentation here. You can find the full recordings of the webinar here

Some of Amy's quotes from the webinar: 

  •  “Any time you invite people with a genuine spirit of inquiry, to help think aloud, you are creating psychological safety, you are creating fearlessness.”

  • “Our societal norms should not be the same norms we have at work. At work, we have to accept the fact that we will get something wrong along the way; and that is okay. If you don’t yet know the answer, and you want to find the answer, you have got to be willing and prepared to be wrong and fail along the way."

  • “Your ability as a scientist to tell the story, to deliver the narrative in an emotionally and intellectually engaging way is going to be one of the most important determinants of your success.”

  • “When people do not believe that their real voice is welcome, they won’t share it, and then we won’t have what we need – which is inclusion.”

  • “Inclusive leaders lower the very real psychological cost of speaking up in a hierarchy, and they raise the cost of silence.”

  • “If you are in an unsafe environment, it is challenging to take risks or to ask for help. The best doorway into creating more psychological safety is asking “the good question”. When you ask a question of a mentor, a peer, a student, you are in that moment giving them an opportunity to have their voice be heard. You will have helped someone else have psychological safety for a moment.”

  • “Good research has collaboration at its very core. And that’s because you get insights, ideas, from different disciplines and different fields. Rewarding and enabling teamwork is important. That’s challenging for academia, because our old-fashioned mind-set is one of individualism, where co-authorship means weakness (especially for women).”

Amy is the author of ‘The Fearless Organization’ and ‘Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy’. We gave away three of Amy's books to attendees. The winners were informed by the LNVH. Congrats and happy reading! 

LNVH Spring Symposium 2019

LNVH SPRING SYMPOSIUM 2019: New perspectives on Academia. How do we see the future of science and the future scientist?

Presentation prof. dr. Marieke van den Brink 
Overview outcomes workshop (working document - to be replaced)

On May 16, the LNVH Spring Symposium will focus on the development of a new approach to 'recognising and rewarding academics'. The recent statement launched by NWO, VSNU, NFU and ZonMW, the publication of the LNVH research report on the more hidden forms of pay in academia, the new report on ‘Harassment in Academia’ which will be published end of April and presented during the Spring Symposium and the upcoming event on May 23 about ‘the Scientist 2030’organised by NWO and ZonMw, with participation of LNVH, creates the perfect timing for an event.

During our Spring Symposium we want to work towards a concrete list of actions and recommendations to realise a systemic change on recognition and rewarding, that can serve as input for the Scientist 2030-event, as well as a position paper presented by all universities (VSNU) mid 2019.

We want to do this together with our keynote speakers and panellists, who will talk about systemic changes that need to be made, but we also want to hear your opinions and ideas for a more equal, rewarding and inclusive work culture in academia. By discussing with each other during the panel discussion, but also by exchanging views and ideas and reflect on your own role during the playful workshop ‘the Dilemma Game’.

Sign up for free! 


12.30   Welcome with coffee and tea

13.00-13h15u   Opening by LNVH chair Hanneke Takkenberg

13.15-13.30u      Keynote by Belle Derks, Full Professor Social  and Organizational Psychology at Utrecht University, Chair of the KNAW Young Academy

  Title: Self-interested, self-confident and competitive. How the exceptionally masculine occupational stereotype in academia affects women

13.30-13.45u   Keynote by Marieke van den Brink, Professor of Gender and Diversity at the Radboud University Nijmegen

  Title: Hostile Environments; exploring harassment in the Dutch academic context

13.45-13.55u   Introduction on systemic change in academia by Frank Baaijens, rector magnificus TU Eindhoven

13.55-14.30u Interview with Frank Baaijens, Belle Derks and Marieke van den Brink and dialogue and exchange of ideas with the audience.
Theme: how are current systemic changes in academia going to result in more equality, diversity and inclusion?

  Moderator: Liesbeth Staats, journalist, tv-presenter and documentary maker

14.30-15.00u Break

15.00-16.45u The Dilemma Game by Morals at Work

16.45-17.00  Plenary presentation of the outcomes of the workshops and the recommendations for the position paper on systemic change in academia

17.00-17.30 Drinks 

Be part of the change and work on concrete ideas to stimulate and strengthen an inclusive work climate.

Entrance is free, so sign up now!

Looking forward to meeting you on May 16.

  • What / When / Where :
  • 2019 Spring Symposium
  • May 16, 2019
  • 12h30 Walk in
  • 13h00  – 17h30 Program
  • Muntgebouw, Leidseweg 90, 3531 BG Utrecht
  • Entrance: FREE
  • Working language: English

LNVH Spring Symposium 2018 - Follow up

On May 25, the LNVH Spring Symposium took place in Leiden. The symposium focused on recognizing, discussing and tackling misconduct and abuse of power in academia. LNVH is looking back on a thought provoking day and would like to thank all the participants for sharing ideas, opinions and experiences. ScienceGuide published an article "Intimidatie binnen de academie: onderzoeken of aanpakken?" in which some of the organisations and people involved in the programme were interviewed [in Dutch].

LNVH will take up action to (further) create sustainable and structural attention for this theme, starting with urging the university boards to develop and strengthen a zero tolerance policy when it comes to harassment and abuse of power.  

If you like to rehash Oscar David's ideas on power 1.0, power 2.0 and power 3.0, the podcast: Macht en integriteit kunnen wel degelijk samengaan of De Correspondent might be worthwhile. 

To refer to Scott Solders Active Bystander Training (and the 4 D's, strategies for intervention), check the Imperial College London website.

Petra Meier was involved in the (European) EGERA-project on Recommendations to prevent and fight sexual harassment in Academia (PDF).

Worth to keep an eye on: ScienceGuide is reporting continuously about the way universities deal with codes of conduct. For example [in Dutch]: 'Geen harde sancties schending integriteitscode'

State of affairs at universities and other organisations and other references:

LNVH Spring Symposium 2018

Challenging poor behaviour in academia: how to tackle and prevent intimidation and abuse of power

Keynote speakers

  • Oscar David (NL), organisation psychologist - published an extensive study about mechanisms of power.  
  • Claartje Vinkenburg (NL), associate professor of organizational behavior - critically explored the impact of implicit bias, normative beliefs, and discursive practices on career systems, patterns, and outcomes.
  • Scott Solder (UK), executive coach, trainer and facilitator - developed a groundbreaking workshop on how to challenge inappropriate behaviour, bullying and harassment in the workplace (used succesfully at for exemple Imperial College London).

Power, abuse of power, harassment, and misconduct in academia. A theme that deserves attention, but is often dismissed as non-urgent, non-existent and therefore: non-important. Contributing to the taboo character of the subject, is that people simply do not dare to share their experiences for fear of consequences (or worse: lack of consequences). Recently however, the discussion about abuse of power in academia has certainly kicked off: in the fall of 2017, ScienceGuide published an article series on harassment. LNVH was consulted and contributed to the series, because we wish to underline that this is not a 'new issue that has 'suddenly' come up. We think it is important to, beyond the hype, focus on substainable attention for the theme and most of all: ways of preventing and dealing with abuse of power.

The preliminary programme, with more information about our speakers, is attached. Oscar David will get you up-to-date about mechanisms and structures of power and abuse of power. Claartje Vinkenburg has collected various individual and institutional strategies to reduce sex-based harassment and to improve work-place cultures. In an 'active bystander training', Scott Solder discusses tools to deal with poor behaviour in your own work environment.

In the second half of the afternoon actors of Het Acteursgenootschap play out cases of poor behaviour, misconduct and harassment. Together with the audience, an expert panel discusses logical courses of action and how to tackle and prevent these situations. 

Panelists include:

  • Leo ten Brink - President of the Dutch Association of Confidential Counsellors (LVV)
  • Anneriek de Heer - HR director Radboud University Nijmegen, chair assembly of HR directors VSNU
  • Richard Korver - Lawyer (specialised in sexual harassment cases)
  • Petra Meier - Professor University of Antwerp, EU project EGERA: Recommendations to prevent and fight sexual harassment in academia
  • Ingeborg van der Ven - Author of the series on sexual harassment in the academic world in ScienceGuide

Of course, the symposium will offer ample time and opportunity to share your own views, opinions, and experiences. Please note that we are committed to providing a safe environment for everyone, in which confidentiality is guaranteed. 

What / When / Where

  • 2018 Spring Symposium LNVH
  • May 25, 2018
  • 12h30 (walk in, 13h00 start) – 18h30
  • Academy Building Leiden University, Klein Auditorium
  • Registration fee EUR 50
  • Working language English

Follow up LNVH Spring Symposium 2017: Women in Media

Over het onderwerp van ons laatste Spring Symposium - Women in Media - raken we nog lang niet uitgepraat. Naast alle adviezen die op 18 mei jl. voorbijkwamen, hieronder nog meer tips & tricks voor uw volgende optreden in de media.


LNVH Spring Symposium 2017

Op donderdag 18 mei 2017 vond het LNVH Spring Symposium 2017: 'Women in Media - You are invited' plaats in het Muntgebouw te Utrecht.

In de media komen mannen 3 tot 4x vaker aan het woord als bron van het nieuws (politicus, expert of woordvoerder) dan vrouwen, zo toont recent onderzoek aan. Een eenzijdige en stereotypische representatie van de wereld om ons heen, en een beperkt beeld dat bestreden dient te worden.

Onder leiding van dagvoorzitter Petra Stienen stond deze dag het thema zichtbaarheid centraal, met name op podia die niet per se wetenschappelijk zijn: in kranten, op televisie, op de radio en via social media-kanalen. Waarom zijn er eigenlijk zo weinig vrouwelijke experts in beeld? Waarom lijken er steeds dezelfde (soort) experts aan tafel te zitten? Hoe kom je eigenlijk in de kaartenbak? En: hoe kunnen vrouwelijke wetenschappers hun contacten met media verder verdiepen en uitbreiden? Janneke van Heugten (platform VIDM) gaf een toelichting op de huidige vertegenwoordiging van vrouwen in verschillende media. Stieni Bosma (redactie Pauw), Rosemarie Buikema (hoogleraar Kunst, Cultuur en Diversiteit, UU), Hans Laroes (hoofdredacteur KRO-NCRV), Rens Vliegenthart (hoogleraar Communicatiewetenschap, UvA) boden vervolgens hun perspectief op bovenstaande ontwikkelingen en vragen. In de workshops konden deelnemers het geleerde in de praktijk brengen: oefenen met onverwachte vragen, strategieën uitstippelen om een stuk in de krant te krijgen, je onderzoek voor het voetlicht brengen in een talkshow-setting.

Benieuwd naar de tips&tricks? Bekijk de samenvatting hieronder!

LNVH Spring Symposium 2016

LNVH Spring Symposium - Wat breng(t) je naar de boardroom?

Donderdag 26 mei 2016
BCN Utrecht CS

Geen enkel bedrijf voldeed in 2015 aan het wettelijke streefcijfer van 30% vrouwen in de top van het bedrijfsleven. Minister Bussemaker is niet tevreden: met name het proces rond vacatures in de top van het bedrijfsleven is volgens haar te veel een black box waar een old boys network de banen verdeelt. Vrouwelijk bestuurlijk talent is er echter genoeg, ook in de wetenschap. Op 26 mei 2016 vond het LNVH Spring Symposium plaats, dat in samenwerking met Deloitte Academy werd georganiseerd. Het programma (zie downloads) bood deelnemers een praktische mogelijkheid hun bestuurlijke ambities te verkennen en (verder) te verwezenlijken.

Tijdens de middag deelden sprekers in hun ervaring in en expertise over de boardroom. Tal van onderwerpen passeerden de revue: benodigde kennis, relevante expertise, het timen van boardfuncties in de wetenschappelijke loopbaan, wervings- en selectieprocedure, het ontdekken en benadrukken van de eigen toegevoegde waarde in de boardroom.

Een korte impressie met de belangrijkste adviezen van de middag vindt u hier.

In samenwerking met: DeloitteAcademy

Spring Symposium 2015


April 10, 2015
Muntgebouw, Utrecht

'Vrouwen aan de macht in academisch mannenbastion' [women holding power in an academic men's world]: a Volkskrant headline after the inauguration of Rianne Letschert as president of The Young Academy – only weeks after announcing José van Dijck as the new president of the KNAW. Female leadership in academia is as relevant as ever. During the LNVH Spring Symposium we will give the floor to inspiring women who are 'leading' or 'leader' in both policy making as in research. In afternoon workshops several aspects of leadership are explored: taking charge of your career and private life, leading and communicating, leadership ambition, using your network to your advantage. The symposium will be closed of with a discussion on best practices and the need for improved policy (making) on developing leadership skills within academic institutions. As per usual, the LNVH Symposium will celebrate the laureates of the Distinguished Women Scientists Fund.

We invite PhDs, postdocs, assistant/associate and full professors (M/F) from Dutch universities and university medical centres, as well as policy makers and policy advisors in the field of Women & Science (in the broad sense).

Keywords: academic leadership, leadership skills, pro-active engagement, work&talk, private coaching sessions, improving policy (making), influence from empowerment, networking lunch, information&inspiration, leading by example, Distinguished Women Scientists Fund.

Progress is important. Solving problems or addressing issues is one way to speed things up and move forward in your career. A full conference room not always the ideal place to do this in. The LNVH is keen on supporting personal development of (women) scientists. That is why certified coaches and experts present will offer free coaching and/or consultant sessions during the day. Please indicate on the registration form on our website if and why you are interested in a private coaching session on work related matters.


  • 2015 Spring Symposium LNVH
  • April 10, 2015
  • 10h00 – 18h00
  • Muntgebouw Utrecht (15 minute walk from Utrecht CS)
  • Leidseweg 90, 3531 BG Utrecht
  • No entrance fee
  • Working languages English and Dutch

Program LNVH Fall Symposium 2013


Leafs are falling, days are becoming shorter. 2013 is coming to an end. Time for the necessary end-of-the-year reflection. Picture the woods of Wassenaar, a conference room full of inspiring people and interesting speeches, interactive lectures and lively discussions. The LNVH and NIAS warmly invite you to the Fall Symposium 2013: Women in science - Reflecting on progress on 11 December 2013. The perfect place to reflect on the achievements of the past year and to make plans for the following. Join us and go home with input, ideas, energy and inspiration for 2014. End goal: tools for progress in your personal academic career, tools for helping others getting there. All this in order to reach the ultimate goal: a proportionate representation of women within the university community.

For: Postdocs, assistant/associate and full professors (M/F) from Dutch universities and university medical centres. Policy makers and policy advisors in the field of Women & Science (in the broad sense).

Special guest and keynote speaker: professor Curt Rice, Vice President Research and Development at the University of Tromsø (Norway), fellow at NIAS and author of the book 6 Steps to Gender Equality (December 2012).

Keywords: mentoring&success, private coaching sessions, national and international best practices on gender balance in academia, influence from empowerment, networking lunch, tenure tracks, Distinguished Women Scientists Fund, musical and theatrical moments of reflection.

Progress is important. Solving problems or addressing issues is one way to speed things up and move forward in your career. A full conference room not always the ideal place to do this in. That is why the coaches and experts present will offer free coaching and/or consultant sessions during the day. Please indicate on the registration form on our website if and why you are interested in a private coaching session on work related matters.

Participating in this event is free. Registration is closed. 


  • 2013 Fall Symposium LNVH/NIAS Conference for Women in Science
  • December 11th 2013
  • 10h30 – 18h00
  • Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Meijboomlaan 1, 2242 PR, Wassenaar
  • No entrance fee
  • Working languages English and Dutch