Dr. Carla Haelermans

Dr. Carla Haelermans

Research and teaching mandate (leeropdracht)
Expertise I am an associate professor in education economics at Maastricht University. My main research interests are in education economics and labour economics. I have done many studies on the effectiveness of ICT-tools in education (for math and literacy), but I have also done studies on parental involvement in education, efficiency of education, effectiveness of summer schools, the effectiveness of education and labour market policies (e.g. retraining programs), and the effectiveness of indication programs for teachers in Rwanda. I am responsible for the coordination of the University Teaching Qualification (in Dutch: BKO) for the Faculty of Humanities and Science of Maastricht University and I am the educational director of the Master of Evidence Based Innovation in Teaching (MEBIT, 60 ECTS), a research oriented master for teachers.
Email carla.haelermans@maastrichtuniversity.nl


Universiteit Maastricht (UM)

 6200MD Maastricht, Nederland

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