Professor Toby Kiers |
Research and teaching mandate (leeropdracht) |
Cooperate or defect? We use theory and empirical work to identify factors, such as punishment and reciprocal trade, that help stabilize cooperation among species. Our aim is to identify the evolutionary selection pressures that shape symbiont communities and ultimately to identify approaches to conserve mutualisms in the face of environmental change. |
Expertise |
Evolution, Symbiosis, Agricultural, Microbes, Cooperation |
Email | |
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Faculty | Earth and Life Science | Department | Department Ecological Sciences | Type of professor | University Research Chair | Discipline | Cooperate or defect? We use theory and empirical work to identify factors, such as punishment and reciprocal trade, that help stabilize cooperation among species. Our aim is to identify the evolutionary selection pressures that shape symbiont communities and ultimately to identify approaches to conserve mutualisms in the face of environmental change. | FTE | 1.0 | From | Unknown |
Until | Present |
| Amsterdam, Nederland | E-mail | |
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