The call for the LNVH Distinguished Women Scientists Fund (DWSF) is open! LNVH created the travel grant 10 years ago at the request of prof. dr. Anne Cutler, former director of the Ma...
On April 22, the LNVH medal was awarded to prof. dr. Angela Maas. Maas is professor of Cardiology for women at Radboudumc. Maas was presented with the medal on the day of her farewell spee...
L'Oréal Unesco For Women in Science prizes 2022 awarded
Two exceptional women scientists in the field of Life Sciences received a research grant of EUR 25,000 on April 21, 20...
The LNVH board and bureau are pleased to announce the 6 2021-22 Distinguished Women Scientists Fund laureates! Read about the laureates and their research here