Many people were forced to flee from countries such as Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Iran in recent years. Many of these refugees are highly skilled people with academic careers, who had t...
TU/e is opening up vacancies for permanent academic staff exclusively to women in the first six months of recruitment.
Through its new Irène Curie Fellowship program, TU/e is openi...
Het Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren (LNVH) publiceert op 6 mei een onderzoek naar wangedrag en intimidatie in de wetenschap onder de titel ‘Harassment in Dutch academi...
How do we see the future of science and the future scientist?
On May 16, the LNVH Spring Symposium will focus on the development of a new approach to 'recognising and rewarding academics'...
Slechts een kwart van de Nederlandse onderzoekers is vrouw en daarmee heeft Nederland het laagste aandeel vrouwen in de wetenschap in Europa. Dit blijkt uit het rapport She Figures 2018 va...
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded 32 scientists (11 female / 21 male) 1.5 million euros each to conduct research in the coming five years. Vici is one ...