Prof. dr. Conny Rijken
Tilburg University
Conny Rijken has been appointed chair of Human Trafficking and Globilization at the International Victimology Institute Tilburg (INTERVICT), which is part of Tilburg Law School.
Prof. dr. Mérove Gijsberts
Universiteit Utrecht
Mérove Gijsberts has been appointed professors of Dynamics of Immigrant Integration at Utrecht University.
Prof. dr. Dianne Bevelander
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Dianne Bevelander has been appointed Professor of Management Education at RSM, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Prof. dr. Thea Peetsma
University of Amsterdam
Thea Peetsma has been appointed professor of Learning and Motivation at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Prof. dr. Hanne Meijers-Heijboer
Hanne Meijers-Heijboer has been appointed professor of Clinical Genetics at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Prof. dr. Nynke van Dijk
Nynke van Dijk has been appointed professor of Medical Education and Training, specialising in the application of scientific findings in General Practitioner training, at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).