
Prof. dr. Annelien Bredenoord

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Prof. dr. Annelien Bredenoord is the new Rector Magnificus of EUR from 1 October 2021. She is responsible for education, research and impact, including academic staff (policy), students and science education. The appointment is for a period of four years. 

Annelien Bredenoord's personal website 

Prof. dr. Marit Sijbrandij

VU Amsterdam

Marit Sijbrandij has been appointed as professor in Clinical Psychology, at the Department of Clinical, Neuro- and Developmental Psychology of the Vrije Universiteit (since February 1 2021). 

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Prof. dr. Evelien Brouwers

Tilburg University

Evelien Brouwers has been appointed Professor of Mental Health and Sustainable Employment at Tilburg University. 

Link to prof. Brouwers' inaugural lecture (May 28 2021)

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Prof.dr. Mette Hazenberg

University of Amsterdam

Mette Hazenberg has been appointed professor of Internal Medicine, in particular cell therapy in hematology, at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine (UvA-Amsterdam UMC).

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Prof.dr. Debbie Jaarsma

Utrecht University

The Executive Board of Utrecht University has appointed Professor Debbie Jaarsma to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine as of August 1st , 2021. Jaarsma is currently Professor of Research and Innovation in Medical Education at the University of Groningen.

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Prof. Alice Twemlow

University of Amsterdam

Alice Twemlow has been appointed Professor by special appointment of the History, Theory and Sociology of Graphic Design and Visual Culture at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. The chair was established on behalf of the Wim Crouwel Institute, a foundation dedicated to making the heritage of Dutch graphic design accessible for research and education. Twemlow will combine her professorship with her work for the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK) and Leiden University.

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