Prof. dr. Sera Markoff
University of Amsterdam
Sera Markoff has been appointed professor of Theoretical High-Energy Astrophysics, with a focus on relativistic compact objects and astroparticle physics, at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Science.
Prof. dr. Ingrid Meulenbelt
Ingrid Meulenbelt has been appointed as professor molecular biology of osteoarthiritis at the department of Reumatology of the Leiden University Medical Centre.
Prof. dr. Monique van Dijk
Erasmus MC
Verpleegkundige, pijnexpert en psycholoog dr. Monique van Dijk is bij het Erasmus MC benoemd tot hoogleraar Verplegingswetenschap.
Prof. dr. Rosemarijn Hoefte
University of Amsterdam
Rosemarijn Hoefte is benoemd tot hoogleraar Geschiedenis van Suriname sinds 1873 in vergelijkend perspectief aan de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA).
Prof. dr. Judith de Jong
Maastricht University
Judith de Jong has been appointed to the strategic chair “Zorgstelsel en Sturing” - Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University.
Prof. dr. Lejla Batina
Radboud University
Lejla Batina has been appointed Professor of Security of Small devices at the Radboud University Faculty of Science.