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LNVH was founded in 2001.
LNVH is promoting equal representation of women within the academic community.
The LNVH is run by 7 professors in the board and 3 employees at the bureau.
A group of approximately 30 UHD affiliates holds consultations twice a year and provides the LNVH board with advice and input.
LNVH is working on a variety of projects to influence policy making and to empower women in academia.
LNVH Annual reports from 2006 up to the most recent version
Domestic regulations [Dutch/English].
Statuten van de Stichting Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren.
The average percentage of women professors at universities in the Netherlands is 28.7%.
Click here for the Monitor
Women professors and associate professors can join the LNVH.
LNVH’s public newsletter is issued on a monthly basis and contains information relating to the LNVH and general news items.