International Women's Day 2025

6 Mar 2025

International Women's Day 2025

On Saturday, March 8th, it's International Women's Day. A day where equal rights and opportunities, freedom, and the resilience of women are celebrated worldwide. Across the Netherlands, many events are being organized that you can participate in. Below, we highlight some events organized by and at universities and UMCs:

Radboud University Nijmegen

Every year, the interfaculty network Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies and the Radboud Network Female Professors/Halkes Women+ Faculty Network organise International Women’s Day at the Radboud University on March 8th. Since in 2025 March 8th is a Saturday, this year they celebrate International Women’s Day on Monday March 10. The doors will be open at 09:30. All information about the symposium can be found here

University of Groningen

To mark this important day, several faculties within UG are organizing special events and activities for their own communities. Additionally, Young Academy Groningen and the Jantina Tammes School are organizing the symposium "Female Portraits: Gender in Academia" (Monday March 10th, 08h45-12h45, House of Connections, Grote Markt 1, Groningen), which is open to everyone. This event will explore the impact of gender roles, representation, and institutional structures on career paths and inclusivity in academia.

TU Delft

On 10 March, TU Delft celebrates International Women's Day with this year's theme: 'Woman of the Future'. This theme invites everyone to look beyond the present and reflect on the immense impact, power and potential of women in shaping the world of tomorrow. More information about the event 'FOR REAL International Women’s Day' (16h30-21h00) can be found here

From March 3 to March 7, the BK Feminist Week will take place at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment & TU Delft. BK Feminist Week celebrates feminism at our faculty and invites all to join in discussion, to celebrate, reflect, and build collective responsibility. Coinciding with International Women’s Day, it features activities, discussions, and walks on campus that highlight the struggles and successes of feminists in academia and beyond. Through sharing experiences, the week aims to create space for inspiration, empowerment and change. More information can be found here

Leiden University

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first United Nations World Conference on Women (Mexico City, 1975), a process that led to the creation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). The Global Transformations and Governance Challenges Programme is organising a roundtable to reflect on prospects for global women's rights today, particularly amidst geopolitical shifts and tensions, heightened nationalism and populism. The panel will assemble perspectives from different disciplines and faculties. Find more information about the lunch seminar ‘Women's Rights in the New Geopolitical Landscape’ that will take place on March 14th here.

Utrecht University

Which language can foster epistemic diversity and cultural inclusion? International Women's day is an occasion to reflect on various types of obstacles and barriers that impede women and other groups to be fully part of society. On this edition, a debate is promoted to reflect on how languages can foster, or hinder, epistemic diversity and cultural inclusion. More information about the program on Friday March 7, 2025 (12h30-18h00) can be found here

University of Amsterdam

On March 6, the CDO and WiF (Women in the Faculty of Science) organise a Dialogue Table at Science Park, in honour of International Women's Day. This event brings together students, teachers and staff to discuss gender in academia. The Dialogue Table is dedicated to connecting and bridging different perspectives on gender (in)equality. More information can be found here

VU Amsterdam

Each year, International Women's Day serves as a powerful reminder of the progress made towards gender equality and highlights the work that still needs to be done. WO&MEN@VU, Women in STEM, 3D and FAM have joined forces and are inviting you to celebration with interesting conversations, entertainment, workshop and lunch/drinks on March 10, 12h00-16h30 in Debat Centre 3D (W&N building). More information can be found here


On the 13th March the Women+ ERG is organizing a special edition in honour of Women’s day on Bias and AI, starting at 15:30 with an open end around 19:00 at Nikhef Colloquium room (H036a) at the Amsterdam Science Park 105. This afternoon is dedicated to learning about (gender) biases in AI. We will see what they look like on our screens using AI tools like Chat GTP. In a lively discussion we will ask questions like 'What effects do (gender) biases have on society?' and 'What are the possible ways to circumvent them?'. More information can be found here


As every year, you can find an overview of other events around International Women's Day 2025 on the website of Atria, Institute on gender equality and women's history. 

On this blog, you can find another overview of must-see/attend events.

On the website of the Platform Internationale Vrouwendag ('Platform International Women's Day'), you can find tips for individuals, companies, and institutions to reflect on the role and impact of women in the world of tomorrow and how create your own impact. Read it here. You can also find an overview of activities on and around International Women’s Day per province here


LNVH wishes everyone a happy and impactful International Women's Day!