LNVH Spring Symposium 2019

16 May 2019

LNVH Spring Symposium 2019

How do we see the future of science and the future scientist? 

On May 16, the LNVH Spring Symposium will focus on the development of a new approach to 'recognising and rewarding academics'. The recent statement launched by NWO, VSNU, NFU and ZonMW, the publication of the LNVH research report on the more hidden forms of pay in academia, the new report on ‘Harassment in Academia’ which will be published end of April and presented during the Spring Symposium and the upcoming event on May 23 about ‘the Scientist 2030’organised by NWO and ZonMw, with participation of LNVH, creates the perfect timing for an event.

During our Spring Symposium we want to work towards a concrete list of actions and recommendations to realise a systemic change on recognition and rewarding, that can serve as input for the Scientist 2030-event, as well as a position paper to be presented to NWO, VSNU, NFU and ZonMw.

We want to do this with our keynote speakers and panellists, who will talk about systemic changes that need to be made, but we also want to hear your opinions and ideas for a more equal, rewarding and inclusive work culture in academia. By discussing with each other during the panel discussion, but also by exchanging views and ideas and reflect on your own role during the playful workshop ‘the Dilemma Game’.

Sign up for free! 

More information on registration, program & location