Symposium ‘Diversity, Creativity and Innovation’ | TU Delft

4 Mar 2019

Symposium ‘Diversity, Creativity and Innovation’ | TU Delft

DEWIS (Delft Women in Science) is organizing a symposium on 4 March 2019 about leading diverse and creative teams and the role of inclusive leadership. All TU Delft staff and students are welcome.

Professor Roni Reiter-Palmon from the University of Nebraska Omaha will discuss the effects of diversity on team creativity. Research suggests that diversity of team members may be helpful to creativity, but can also interfere with effective team functioning, thus hindering creativity. The presentation will discuss the role of the leader in facilitating effective team functioning, especially with diverse and creative teams.

Dr Caroline Dessent will present best practices of the gender diversity policy at York University. The Athena SWAN Charter is the guiding principle: it recognises the advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all.

Professor Rob Mudde, Vice-Rector Magnificus and Vice-President of Education of the TU Delft, will present the DEWIS award to the best female PhD candidate with cum laude honours of the past year, after three nominees have given a short presentation of their research. Do bring your colleague or fellow student! 

More information and registration