Oratie L. Hardman
Smart Style for conveying informationSamenvatting: The art of conveying information effectively developed from the aural and visual traditions to written language. We are now entering the multimedia and internet era where computers are themselves an evolving communication medium. The question remains as to what extent computers are able to master the art of conveying information effectively. Traditionally, the scientific emphasis has been on information retrieval, with the goal of finding correct and relevant information for the user.
In contrast, our focus is on conveying this information to the user.
Ideally, a human specialist would design a presentation of the information, tailored to a particular user, deploying designs that make the most effective use of the different available media.
Given limited human resources, our aim is to provide as near to equivalent facilities using the technological means we have at our disposal. Information designers have implicit knowledge about information structuring and the combination of presentation techniques.
This needs to be explicitly modelled and incorporated into smart environments supporting effective communication of information.
Website: https://alexandria.tue.nl/extra2/redes/hardman2003.pdf