STAGES-EGERA event - Nijmegen

2 Mar 2015

STAGES-EGERA event - Nijmegen

You are kindly invited to the STAGES-EGERA co-event on March 2 & 3, 2015, hosted by the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
This event will bring together academic researchers, university managers, HR staff, diversity officers and other stakeholders involved in achieving structural change toward gender equality in academia. There will be lectures, discussions, working groups and a workshop. The first day will focus  on gender equality training and includes a hands-on workshop for gender equality trainers. The central theme of the second day is the integration of gender in curricula.  Please see the attachment for the preliminary program of the event. More details on the program and speakers will follow.
The event will be held at the conference centre Soeterbeeck in Ravenstein (a former monastery, 15 minutes by train from Nijmegen).  At this beautiful location a limited number of rooms is available to stay overnight, but staying in Nijmegen or Den Bosch (25 minutes by train) is also agreeable.
You can register for the STAGES-EGERA co-event by sending an email to Please indicate which day(s) of the program you will attend and if you would like to participate in the train-the-trainers workshop.


Venue: Conference Centre Soeterbeeck, Radboud University Nijmegen, Ravenstein, the Netherlands

Monday 2nd of March

9.00       Registration and coffee

9.30       Welcome

10.00     Train-the-Trainer workshops

                Parallel interactive training sessions on group facilitation in academia

12.30     Lunch

13.30     Gender Equality Training

                Plenary lectures and discussion on Gender Equality Training

17.00     Closing

Tuesday 3rd of March

9.00       Registration and coffee

9.30       Welcome

9.45       Gender in Curricula

                Plenary lectures and discussion in working groups

12.30     Lunch

13.30     Gender in Curricula

                Plenary lectures and discussion in working groups

16.00     Wrapping up

16.30     Closing