21 Nov 2014
Gender Medicine: Harnessing the power of sex and gender analysis for research and innovation - UM
Gender Medicine: Harnessing the power of sex and gender analysis for research and innovation.21 November 2014, Hotel l’Empereur, Maastricht, 13.00-17.30
The Department of Health, Ethics and Society (HES) organizes a conference on Gender Medicine (GM) to assess the state-of-the-art of Gender Medicine at Maastricht University and to look ahead to future challenges. The conference will also mark the farewell of Ineke Klinge to Maastricht University. Appointed at the European Commission as chair of the Horizon 2020 Advisory Group on Gender, she will continue to be engaged in this promising research field through international committees and advisory boards.
Three themes will be on the agenda: research, education and policy.
Invited speakers who have accepted are:
prof. dr. Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, on GM and cardiology, Centre for Gender in Medicine (GiM), Charité, Berlin.
prof. dr. Marrie Bekker, on GM and mental health, anxiety & depression Universiteit van Tilburg.
prof. dr. Elisabeth Zemp-Stutz, on GM and public health and prevention, University of Basel.
dr. Bart Penders (tbc), on GM and current challenges: epigenetics, big data, intersectionality, HES, Maastricht University.
prof. dr. Londa Schiebinger, Stanford University, US, on Gendered Innovations, and developments at NIH, NSF (accepted video message)
Viviane Willis-Mazzichi; provisions on gender in Horizon 2020, Unit B7, Head of sector gender, European Commission.
A representative from the Alliantie Gender en Gezondheid, an initiative of the Ministry of OCW and WomenInc.
prof. dr. Lies Wesseling, Opzij hoogleraar & Director Centre for Gender & Diversity, Maastricht University.
prof. dr. Mineke Bosch, hoogleraar moderne geschiedenis, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Responses are invited from colleagues at HES and at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences.
The conference will start with a lunch buffet and end with a reception