23 Sep 2014
Symposium 'Creating more diversity in academia'
What: a symposium on making structural changes to increase diversity at the Radboud UniversityWhen: Tuesday September 23rd, from 13:00-18:00
Where: Oranjezaal Radboudumc (follow 'route-number' 607, the Oranjezaal is behind the restaurant on the ground floor)
Who: everyone (!) who is interested in the topic
The goal is to discuss the structural issues (i.e. not so much focused on 'fixing' individual women) related to gender inequality and to come up with concrete solutions to make the Radboud University a better place to work.
The symposium starts with keynote speeches from two experts on gender equality in academia, from a scientific and as well as a practice perspective.
Dr. Marieke van den Brink (Radboud University) will share experiences based on her dissertation on gender practices in recruitment and selection of full professors in academia.
Prof. dr. Paul Walton (University of York, UK) will follow, talking about his successful implementation of gender equality measures at his chemistry department, resulting in a gold medal from the Athena Swan Program in the UK.
After these keynote speeches, the audience will divide up into small groups to discuss more specific topics (see below) in roundtable sessions.