Prof.dr. Nelly Oudshoorn krijgt Rachel Carson Prize

Prof.dr. Nelly Oudshoorn krijgt Rachel Carson Prize

Tijdens het congres van de Society for Social Studies of Science in Pasadena, California heeft Nelly Oudshoorn, hoogleraar Technology Dynamics and Health Care aan de Universiteit Twente, de Rachel Carson Prize gekregen voor haar boek The Male Pill. A Biography of a Technology in the Making (Duke University Press 2003).

Rachel Carson Prize voor prof.dr. Nelly Oudshoorn [november 2005]

Tijdens het congres van de Society for Social Studies of Science in Pasadena, California heeft Nelly Oudshoorn, hoogleraar Technology Dynamics and Health Care aan de Universiteit Twente, de Rachel Carson Prize gekregen voor haar boek The Male Pill. A Biography of a Technology in the Making (Duke University Press 2003).

Door de referenten werd het boek als volgt beoordeeld:
The Male Pill deserves the Carson Prize because it successfully integrates a cultural approach with a full-blown historical and ethnographic account of network building in technological development, directly, thoroughly, and decisively formulating and answering the question: Why is there no male pill? The author was faced with the challenge of accounting for a technology-in-the-making not by looking backward from its achieved stabilization but by investigating and accounting for a technological absence. The question “why does a technology not exist” is a new one for Science and Technology Studies. Few studies have taken up such multi-nationally-sited scientific research projects, although these are becoming increasingly common. Oudshoorn’s book will serve as a model.