13 Mar 2014
Gender Unlimited - Tilburg University
Beyond Boundaries and Dualities, Inclusion, Social Innovation, Opportunities & Unlimited (Re-)thinking: an event in the context of international women’s day.On March 13th, Tilburg University organizes an international event in the context of her renewed Gender Policy. The theme of the day is “Gender Unlimited” were we go beyond boundaries and exceed dualities pertaining to women and men. There will be a diverse set of plenary and parallel sessions on all kinds of Gender related topics. All sessions are led by a woman and a man.
Maaike Meijer (professor Gender and Diversity) and Wim Brands (Poet, Journalist, and presenter of the VPRO) start with a spectacular plenary keynote on Gendered Images on the move in the popular media, after which the audience is split in three groups for the parallel sessions.
In the three parallel sessions, the themes “Law & Victimology”, “Body & Brain” and “Labor Market” will be discussed.
Conny Rijken (Senior researcher Human Trafficking) discusses human trafficking: a world of inertia.
Alkeline van Lenning (Vice-dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Tilburg University) and Rogier Meulenaar (Plastic Sergeant) together expose the contradictions within plastic surgery and a speaker to be announced will discuss the topic labor market, flexible jobs on the move.
After a short coffee break, none other than the president of the board of directions of Tilburg University Koen Becking, together with the gender policy initiator and Human Resource scholar Marloes van Engen present the Gender Policy Agenda for the University.
The end of the day is a combination of inspiring activities, all set up by enthusiastic student organizations. Students of Extra Muros (study association of liberal arts and sciences) bring the international aspects of gender forward in a “Gender WorldWide presentation”, while Sapienta Ludenda (study association of philosophy) shows us a Gender Unlimited fashion show and Vitruvian (TiU society of LGBT students) present a movie beyond gender boundaries.
The audience and a jury with experts discuss these, and other sessions of the day.
Time & Location
Time: 13.00H – 17.00H
Place: Faculty Club – Tilburg University
Costs: Free
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