Oratie W. Otten
Huwelijk en Ascese in de Vroege kerk, met name bij AugustinusUniversiteit Utrecht, copyright 1997, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid.
ISBN 90-27735-39-8.
De tekst is ook in het Engelstalig verschenen als:
"Augustine on Marriage, Monasticism, and the Community of the Church", Theological Studies 59 (1998) 385-405.
"The author attempts to situate Augustine's theology of marriage in the broad historical and theological context of the early church. She does so by connecting his view of marriage to his thinking on virginity and monastic life, and especially by integrating his views on all three states against the background of church preoccupations about the year 400. This more comprehensive account of Augustine's views draws upon the Confessions, On the Good of Marriage, On Holy Virginity, and On the Work of Monks."