The European Journal of Neuroscience’s mission to increase the visibility and recognition of women in science
European Journal of Neuroscience, Helmreich et al.It is truly disheartening that in the year 2017, it remains the case that name recognition and awareness of women scientists is absurdly low in the public sphere (Zielinski, 2011; Swaby, 2015). After Marie Curie, few people can name a single other female scientist. Trailblazers such as Rosalind Franklin or Barbara McClintock, for example, are simply not in the public conversation. Here at EJN, we are deeply concerned about this unacceptable situation and feel that it is important that we make a strong proactive effort to increase the visibility of women scientists throughout our community. We propose to do this by starting a new feature series entitled 'Profiles of Women in Science' that will focus on leading women scientists from EJN and our parent organization, the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS). It will include a short biography and insights into their careers, motivations, lifestyles, and advice for a young scientist trying to make their way in this very competitive time.