Spring Symposium 2024 - RECAP

Each year, LNVH welcomes PhDs, postdocs, assistant/associate and full professors (M/F) from Dutch universities and university medical centres, as well as policy makers and policy advisors at the LNVH Spring Symposium. This year our Spring Symposium took place on Friday, June 14th 2024 at The Colour Kitchen in Utrecht. Theme: 'The Inclusive University: Walking the Talk'.

It was a day filled with interesting and inspiring keynotes, (panel)discussions and an interactive ‘walking the talk’ session. We were thrilled to welcome prof. dr. Nicola Rollock, professor of Social Policy and Race at King's College London, as our keynote speaker, and thouroughly enjoyed delving deeper into the main theme of the event with panel members Rashmi Kusurkar, professor of Inclusion and Motivation in Health Professions Education at Amsterdam UMC and Noura El Ouajdi, Chair of the 'Inclusie NL' foundation.

Click here for a recap of the event and all event photos. 

  Women Professors Monitor 2023

On December 7, the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH) presented the Women Professors Monitor 2023. The Monitor provides insight into the current figures concerning the ratio of women to men in academia and the representation of women in university boards, university medical centers, and other academic organizations. Find more information about this year's Monitor here

The Monitor was presented on December 7 at Utrecht University Academiegebouw. Read a recap of the presentation here. 

Read the 2023 Monitor here

Mission Statement

LNVH aims to promote and sustain equal representation of women in academia, works towards the betterment of the position of women of all backgrounds and pushes for an inclusive and safe academic community.


 About LNVH

The Dutch Network of Women Professors (Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren - LNVH)  began life informally in the nineties, and became a foundation on the 9th of August 2001. The LNVH is a network of over 1600 women professors and associate professors. Together they represent every discipline and all Dutch Universities. The LNVH aims to promote the proportionate representation of women in academia.

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